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In Class Three this week the children have been very busy with Design and technology. Our focus for this half term was Textiles.

To begin our work the children were asked to think who they could design a stuffed gift for, with this person in mind they thought of their likes and interests and created some ideas for what they could do. We drew sketches of those ideas and then evaluated their suitability.

From our initial sketches we chose one idea to design in detail, carefully creating a design which was labelled to show how we would create the finished product. We drew a pattern of the main body and any extra components in card. Before pinning this card to our felt and carefully cutting it out.

In our next lesson we practised tying a knot in our thread and threading our needles. When we had successfully managed this we were able to learn how to blanket stitch. We sewed small pieces of material to practise this. Next we went over how to do a running stitch, as we would need this for decoration.

On Friday came the big task of assembling and stuffing our gifts, we added any decoration to our flat piece of material. Then we used blanket stitch around the edge of the body before carefully stuffing it. Next we added any extra pieces and tidied up any parts with hanging thread.

The unit was finished by completing evaluations of our work.

Have a lovely weekend and I will see you next week.

Miss Rogers

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