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This week in Class 2 we have begun our new science unit - Rocks. This unit is going to investigate the big question: How do rocks change over time and how do they shape the world around us?

We began by sharing what we already knew about rocks, where rocks may be used and for what purposes. We linked back to our history unit where we found out about Stone Henge.

We then used our observation skills to group and classify a variety of rock samples. We thought about colour, composition, texture and compared each one.

We enjoyed looking closely and discussing the properties of each sample and what we knew about them. Following this, we matched descriptions of the rocks

We have also had our carol service in church this week where we performed our version of the Twelve Days of Christmas. Things are beginning to feel a little festive!

Next Week, on Friday, we have Christmas jumper day, Christmas lunch and the Christmas fair!

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