PE, Computing and Forest Schools
In PE, we have began a unit on striking and fielding. We started by practising our underarm throw with beanbags and tennis balls. The children were fantastic. We also played a game where we needed to use some of our fielding skills, looking for where the beanbag might go and returning it quickly.
In Computing, we are using Purplemash to look at spreadsheets. We began by exploring some of the features of a spreadsheet such as the columns, rows and cells. The program allows us to select multiple cells and colour them. We moved onto using a symbol to represent a value then using this to create calculations.
The children loved their first Forest School session. They had lots of fun exploring the area, getting very mudding in the mud kitchen, making dens and much more. Over the next few weeks, they will begin to investigate planting and growing.
In our areas, we have loved playing in the castle outside. The children have been role playing kings and queens. They have also been making castles of their own in the block area and sand.
Just a reminder that on the 10th of May, we are visiting Bolton Castle. Please can you pay for this trip via parentpay. Any children who normally have school dinners can have a packed lunch provided by school. However, if you would prefer for your child to bring a packed lunch from home, please let myself or the office know.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Thewsey