About Us
As a church school, we have chosen John 10v10 as the foundation for our school vision;
“I have come that they may have life and have it to the full”.
We want all the children and staff in our schools to be able to live life in all its fullness. To ensure our children flourish; we aim to nourish the natural inquisitiveness of our children, to feed their desire to learn and explore our diverse world by embracing new opportunities to help broaden minds, understand and wonder about our world and our roles within it. We will ensure that our staff are supported with high quality training so that they can implement a journey of learning filled with opportunities to gain new knowledge, vocabulary and skills, provide experiences which engage and motivate; provide challenges to help us to develop and improve so we can inspire ourselves and others and ensure our full potential can be realised. We want our children and staff to flourish intellectually, spiritually; developing healthy minds and bodies. We aim to support and serve our communities, building relationships and providing opportunities for the children to be advocates for change. We will do so in a loving and caring way, working hard to provide a working and learning environment that is a joy for both our children and staff.
Our school sits in the beautiful North Yorkshire countryside, providing an environment that gives our children first hand experience of the outdoor classroom where they can engage with the changing seasons and be part of our rural community.
A sense of family is very important to us and we want our children, parents, teachers, helpers and members of the wider community to work together.
We know, of course, that our children are the future, that we are preparing them for a life that we cannot predict; for jobs that haven’t been invented yet. We need to enable our children to learn skills that will allow them access to learning wherever and whenever it may be.
Learning at Fountains is underpinned by a strong Christian ethos. We want our children to explore values, develop empathy, to be resilient and resourceful and to make connections with the wider, global community. We are part of the Leeds Diocesan Learning Trust. Please click on the link below to be taken to their website.
We have a dedicated team of staff who are passionate about developing every child’s potential. Come and see us, you will be most welcome. Help us to give our children an appetite for learning.
Pam Acheson
(Executive Headteacher)
Thank you for your interest in our school. If you require any more information, would like a free paper copy of any of the documents, would like any of the information in a different language, braille or large print or would like to visit, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Aby otrzymać te informacje w innym języku lub formacie, np. w alfabecie brajla, w wersji dużym drukiem lub audio, prosimy się z nami skontaktować.
You can reach our administrator, Lucy Mawer in the school office;
telephone 01765 620631 or email office@gfschools.co.uk