Senior Leaderhip Team
Mrs Katie Barker
Deputy Headteacher
Deputy DSL Leading Teaching and Learning English and RE Co-ordinator.
Mrs Pam Acheson
Executive Head Teacher
DSL, Leading Safeguarding, Health & Safety, PSHE, Maths and Collective Worship
Office Administration
Mrs Mawer
School Administrator
Mrs Lewis
Year 5/6 Teacher
Miss Rogers
Year 5/6 Teacher
Responsible for Computing and Charity Committee
Miss Wray
Year 3/4 Teacher
Responsible for Educational Visits
Miss Thewsey
Reception/Year 1/Year 2 Teacher
Art Co-ordinator
Teaching Assistants
Miss Stanton
Fountains Clubhouse Supervisor
Mrs Draper
GTA in Class 2 and Class 3
Mrs Brammah
ATA in Class 2
Mrs Jarman
GTA in Class 1
Mrs Peel
ATA / GTA in Class 1
Support Staff
Mr Whitford
PE Coach
Mrs Stoney
Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Chandler
Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Wray
Lunchtime & Breakfast Club Supervisor
Mrs Hemingway
Lunchtime Supervisor. Classroom Helper.
Subject Co-ordinators across the Federation
Mrs Field
PE Co-ordinator
Mrs Longstaff
Music Co-ordinator
Mrs Todd
EYFS Co-ordinator
Mrs Acheson
DSL, Leading Safeguarding, Health & Safety, PSHE, Maths and Collective Worship.
Miss Rogers
Computing Co-ordinator
Miss Thewsey
Art Co-ordinator
Mr Gamble
PE Co-ordinator
Mr Breckon
History & Geography Co-ordinator.
Miss Wray
Mrs Barker
English and RE Co-ordinator.